Lymphology at the Patient’s Service 

Genoa, November 30th– December 1st, 2018

Hotel NH Collection Genoa Marina

Kind of Training

ECM certified Residential Training.

Rationale and Training needs

ITALF’s activity concerns the whole Lymphology sector and involves not only doctors and physiotherapists, but also nurses, orthopaedic technicians, podiatrists, patient associations and companies, with the aim of finding increasingly better solutions in the fight against the complex frames of lymphatic pathology. The Congress will deal with relevant basic research topics with the related clinical implications having general and specialized concern. The topics will be presented from a purely practical point of view, starting from the initial clinical analysis of the patient, from the prescription of the diagnostic tests necessary for the comprehensive and complete assessment of the clinical picture, to the setting of a therapeutic program, including the combination of medical therapy, integrated physical treatment and elastic containment. The current role of surgery in the treatment of lymphatic diseases, the indications and the correct timing to favour the best results will also be treated in details. There will be sessions dedicated to patients, in particular regarding the patient’s quality of life, the psychological and physical discomfort involved by lymphatic disease, the current social-welfare and regulatory aspects, extremely important in the overall care of the patient. Practical workshops will be held, where Companies will deal not only with operators, but also with patients.


Who the event is addressed to

The Congress is aimed to 150 participants belonging to the professional profile of Surgeon (Specialized in Angiology, Cardiology, General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Dermatology and Venereology, Geriatrics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Oncology), Physiotherapists, Nurses, Podiatrists and Orthopaedic Technicians.


Training goal

Clinical documentation. Diagnostic and rehabilitative, clinical/assistance paths, assistance profiles – Treatment profiles.


Training area

Acquisition of process skills: the Congress aims to address relevant basic research topics with related clinical implications having great general and specialized interest. There will be sessions dedicated to patients, in particular to patients’ quality of life, the psychological and physical discomfort that lymphatic disease involves, to the current social-welfare and regulatory aspects, in order to improve the development of professional skills, to provide an increasingly better patient care.



Registration deadline on November 16th, 2018.

 Click here to download the Scientific Program in .pdf format

 Click here to download the Call for Abstract in .pdf format

 Click here to download the Registration Form in .pdf format

 Click here to download the Abstract submission Rules in .pdf format