Report of the Vice-President Forestiere on the II National Congress of ITALF


So last night,
With a brief farewell ceremony and goodbye to the International I.L.F. Syracuse in June 2017, (but for us patients the appointment is December 3 in Reggio Calabria and December 10 in Montalbano Jonico), the spotlight was turned off on the 2nd National Congress of ITALF onlus.
Honor and credit to the organizers starting from the President Dr. Maurizio Ricci (in the tradition of a culture of hospitality sober but classy, which was much appreciated in some “details” very appreciated by the speakers) and the scientific committee in the persons of Prof. Sandro Michelini and Marina Cestari. The scientific offer was very accurate and varied in terms of quality and quantity of the speakers who followed each other in the various interventions of the well-articulated sessions. It was a succession of pressing and compelling reports that literally attracted the attention and interest of the attentive audience ranging from clinical issues (Belgrado, Michelini Cestari, Mander, Mattassi, Bertelli, Leone just to name a few examples) to surgical ones (Campisi Corradino, Campisi Cesare, Gennaro, Macciò, Eretta always to exemplify) to aspects eminently aimed at the rehabilitation project, institutional and legal (Facheris, Fiaschi, Turchi, Zolesio, Strazzabosco, Greco, Botta, De Filippo, Boemia as an example, the novelty of elastic compression devices (Baio, Caldirola, Conti, Baroncelli, Travaglini, Gancia, Fiorentino), the space for patients present in good representation in the room (Casagrande, Micucci, Tramparulo), complementary medicines (Steve Chiola). Of great impact, the reports of the anatomist Prof. Ezio Fulcheri of Genoa on the role of the lymph node and Prof. Giuseppe Noia of Rome, on perinatal lymphostasis. This is the summary of the Congress … but our Congress, the patients’ Congress, developed in hugs, handshakes, visual contacts, to witness a common path of suffering and hope. Personally, I’m happy to have been able to interact with some of you in person and I hope very much that these occasions can be repeated in the celebration of the days of awareness that we will try with all our strength to develop in every Italian region.