Alba, June12th, 2018
RI-Generarsi – Istthermal lymphological Camp
Committee of Alba “Patrizia Gosso”
June 7th through 10that Terme Reali di Valdieri “RI-GENERARSI”, the Istthermal lymphological Campfor patients suffering from primary or secondary lymphedema of the upper or lower limbs due to cancer pathology was held
Ri-Generarsi is an integrated project part of the treatment path offering answers aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with primary or secondary lymphedema due to neoplasia, where patients often experience the therapeutic paradox that they heal from cancer, but they have to deal with lymphedema, a benign but chronic and disabling pathology.
The initiative was promoted by ANDOS (National Association of Women who have undergone a mastectomy), section of Alba, in collaboration with the Outpatient Clinic for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Lymphedema of the ASLCN2 (local healthcare centre), managed by Dr. Giancarlo Rando. An itinerary designed to offer support and sharing to patients, during which psychological aspects, physiotherapy, nutrition, lifestyles, psychophysical wellbeing, gravitated around the participants, not considered as a pathology, but as people. The stay was developed according to a multidisciplinary approach, with the aim of giving participants a global experience, helping them to improve their self-image as well.
The team of experts, composed of the physiotherapists Silvia Barbero, Marisa Bona, Manuela Bovio, Eugenia Ciriotti, Stefania Lanfranco, Chiara Marabotto, Dr. Giancarlo Rando, Physiatrist and Angiologist, Dr. Ivana Sarotto, chairperson of ANDOS and expert in Nutritional genomics, the psychologist Dr. Maria Grazia Ciofani, Prof. Cristina Piccarolo, expert in natural cooking, Sabrina Borlengo and Paola Castagno, professionals of music and dance therapy and the managers of the spa facility Mrs. Bonetto Daniela and Donatella, took care of about 20 patients, making this extraordinary experience possible.
In the beautiful setting of the spa facility of Terme reali di Valdieri, physiotherapy sessions alternated with lymphedema treatments, with LDM, multi-layer compression bandages, compression therapy, physiokinesis therapy, application of cold seaweeds, hydrokinesis therapy in thermal water, but also informative round table discussions, lessons on nutrition and lifestyles, psychological counselling on the patient’s emotional experience. All this integrated by complementary activities, such as water rehabilitation, water aerobics, music dance therapy, gentle gymnastics, relaxation sessions, natural cooking classes, evening parties with Occitan dances, that have allowed so many peaceful moments of relaxation and fun.
The spirit of being together was “energizing”, transforming the days of activity into extraordinary days of “breath” in a natural, protected environment, giving substance and strength to the group to reach the common goal. For all the participants it was an opportunity to share their path, to break down barriers, find new friends and start a new re-generative journey.
The goal we had set was widely achieved. We believe that the treatment of lymphedema must be multidisciplinary and include social, psychological, physiotherapeutic, food and life aspects.
We hope that this experience is just the beginning of a path of well-being, designated to involve more and more people suffering from lymphedema in the coming years.
Dr. Ivana Sarotto
Dr. Giancarlo Rando