Report on current phlebolymphological days held in Siena


For the third consecutive year the current phlebolymphological days, organized and chaired by professor Joseph Botta director of the Phlebological Care Unit at the Siena Hospital, was held in Siena during the 4 and 5 June, 2016.
The days of Siena have every year the aim to take stock of the actual situation and update the participants on the latest clinical and technological acquisitions related into the field of Phlebolymphology.
Since the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to these diseases cannot be limited to a single measure, but it must necessarily provide for complex protocols involving various medical and surgical professional, many important personalities were invited to keep reports on more recent acquisitions in non-invasive instrumental diagnostics and in the medical therapy of chronic venous and lymphatic disease.
The scientific update and the development of organizatives models in the care path of the venous pathology, and particularly in the patient with the relapsed and often hard-to-heal venous ulcer, also covered the compression therapy, so important for the patient’s rehabilitation, the improvement of quality of life and its full integration into social and working life.
On Saturday morning, June 4, after the greetings of the participating Authorities, two scientific sessions were held, the first concerning the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of superficial chronic venous disease, the second concerning the preventive and curative aspects of post-thrombotic syndrome.
On Saturday afternoon the third scientific session, held in collaboration with the Italian Group of Wound Care, covered more specifically the epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment of venous ulcer, recurrent and often hard-to-heal, easily resulting in poor quality of life of the patient who is affected.
On Sunday, 5 November, in the presence of numerous Authorities, including the Councillor for Health, Social and Housing Policies of the Siena city, the Medical Director of the Vast South East Area of Tuscany and the President of Tuscany Federation of Physicians and Dentists, the President of the ITALF prof. Sandro Michelini held a “lecture” on the most recent guidelines of lymphedema. This may be primary with genetic implications still studing or secondary to surgical treatment of neoplasms, which necessarily involve the excision of nodes of primary importance, such as axillary or inguinal stations, and this translates clinically in the appearance of the big post-mastectomy arm or big post-hysterectomy or prostatectomy leg in men.
After that, to follow there was an important scientific session on the diseases of the lymphatic system with reports by specialists of demonstrated national and international experience on the diagnostic and rehabilitation path of patients with lymphedema, which stimulated to a lively and friendly discussion with the people in the conference room.
At the conclusion of session the prof. Joseph Botta officially gave an announce about the birth in Siena of the Tuscany section of ITALF, which stands as a point of reference regarding both the diagnostic and rehabilitative aspects of patients with lymphedema in the Vast South East Area of Tuscany.
The presence on the Advisory Tuscan Board of 2 physicians, 1 nurse and 1 physiotherapist is guarantee of multidisciplinarity, which is part of the spirit of Italian Lymphoedema Framework that brings together in the same Association physicians, chemists, nurses, physiotherapists, patients, public institutions and private companies operating into the field of Phlebolymphology.
The days ended with the commitment of prof. Botta to organize the fourth edition of the phlebological days and with the invitation to all people who will read this report to came back to Siena to participate in the spring of next year to this important congressional event.

 Giuseppe Botta