Press Conference House of Representatives October 13, 2016


resume by SOS Lymphedema site, the words with which the President Forestiere (also ITALF Vice President) announces the Press Conference to be held in the Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies for the presentation of the important results of the Agreement on Guidelines on lymphedema.

Now is history … our history. After 10 years of hardships, struggles, hopes and illusions … we are celebrating the first significant milestone: the approval of the guidelines for lymphedema and related disorders … the presence of the Secretary for Health Hon. De Vito Philip, who has contributed decisively in the approval of this very important legislative instrument, On. Sofia Amoddio that with determination, perseverance, authority and great sense of humanity and sharing, has taken this demand for justice, removing obstacles and putting addresses that eventually proved decisive for the final result, the prof. Sandro Michelini that with patience and a deep knowledge of the knowable lymphedema following since the initial coordination of the ministerial committee for lymphedema the fate of these guidelines, Nunzia Tramparulo and Tiziana Di Vito regional contacts for the Lazio association of Sos Lymphedema onlus … Thursday, 13 at 11:30  Rome in the Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies press conference on coordinated by On. Sofia Amoddio.

October 13, 2016 11:30 am
Press Room – Chamber of Deputies

Vito De Filippo
Health Secretary

Sandro Michelini
operational units responsible for inpatient Hospital San Giovanni Battista ACISMOM Rome

Giuseppe Morreale
lta.l.f Onlus

nunzia Tramparulo
SOS Lymphedema Onlus

Tiziana Di Vito
SOS Lymphedema Onlus

Vittoria D’lncecco
Social Affairs Chamber of Deputies

Sofia Amoddio
Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies