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Saturday, July 27, 2024



Welcome to the site of

ITALIAN LYMPHOEDEMA FRAMEWORK. The ITALF is the extension to the territory of the Italian INTERNATIONAL Lymphoedema Framework, the leading international association that deals with Lymphology comprehensively joining associations of patients, lymphologists Doctors, Physiotherapists and Enterprises of the field.  

Italian section was set up on 11 February 2015 and we are working hard to communicate on all levels we are accustomed today.

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Greetings from President

The International Lymphoedema Framework is one of the most important and accredited international scientific societies in the field of lymphatic diseases. The birth of the Italian Group definitely push with renewed energy studies Lymphology.
Italy is historically one of the ‘cradles’ of Lymphology worldwide. By Gaspare Aselli Paolo Mascagni (to name two historical figures) the interest in the anatomy and pathophysiology of the disease lymphatic has always been deep, although not supported by an adequate institutional organization that would ensure research and assistance with regard to these diseases .
The formula of the International Lymphoedema Framework, which ITALF refers, in accordance with the guidelines of the leading international scientific sector, is undoubtedly ambitious and not without important cultural and scientific challenges. For the first time an Association scientific protagonists were doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, orthopedic technicians, but also patients, patient groups and charities, companies, all equally involved in the effort to find the best solutions to the problems of these patients; that does not recognize differences in age, sex, social or cultural. Are all common the misfortune of having to live with a chronic disease, tending all’ingravescenza course, complications and clinical exacerbations; and with all the psychological repercussions and, not least, of financial commitment that the condition entails.
We are confident that with joint efforts we will give a great impetus to the search for new practical solutions to these issues, with the close comparison of the experiences of all those who, for whatever reason, revolve around them. We will do this in the scientific and research, within the institutional to the regularization of care processes for it to be present, which is widespread in the territory, in the context of information and above all the cultural, technical and practice that much still need many areas of medical care in this area.

We ask you to take off your effort with a perfect boost and practice that will allow us, in the interest of all, to promote these ideals. Good luck to all

Sandro Michelini
ITALF  President

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