Webinar SIMFER – Il Lipedema: dall’inestetismo all’handicap


SIMFER Webinar – Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
Lipedema: from imperfection to disability.

Sponsored by the Oedema Section n.21.


PROGRAM                         SUBSCRIPTION FORM (free – reserved for Members in good standing with the SIMFER membership)


GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To spread the knowledge of Lipedema and make differential diagnosis with Lymphedema.

SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: Dr. Maurizio Ricci and Dr. Sandro Michelini



    • Definition and Clinical Framing –  SandroMichelini


    • Clinical and instrumental diagnosis – Antonio Mander
    • Differential diagnosis of lower limb edemas – Marina Cestari
    • Lipedema Disability and ICF – Maurizio Ricci


  • Differentiated therapeutic approaches – Angela Piantadosi

PRACTICAL PART: Questions at the end of the webinar

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