Focus on the treatment of pediatric lymphedema in Italy


Dear Parents
this survey was created to understand what is the care commitment in your Region or Province of residence with regard to the care of patients with lymphedema in the age of development.

We ask you to spend less than 5 minutes of your time to answer the few questions in the questionnaire.
The information obtained will be useful to improve not only the quality of the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways on the national territory, but also to plan interventions aimed at filling the gaps in care still present today.

Participation in the questionnaire is free and voluntary. The questionnaire is completely anonymous and the data collected will be analyzed in respect of privacy, will not be disclosed to third parties and will be accessed only by the research team.
If you have any questions about the study or about filling in the questionnaire, please write to and you will receive the information you are looking for in a short time.

Thanks for your collaboration