Palermo 5 – 6 – 7 Maggio 2023
In the cozy location of the Casale San Lorenzo, the proceedings of the 9th Sicilian Regional Conference of the Italian Society of Phlebology were held.

Organized by Mario Bellisi and his TEAM. The event debuted with an interesting Theoretical-Practical Course dedicated to phlebo-lymphatic pathologies, addressed in particular to the health professions where topics related to plantar support, advanced dressings and bandages whose techniques were brilliantly covered with practical demonstrations.

After the inaugural greetings of the various local authorities, it was the turn of the writer who presented a report on the state of the art of Lymphedema at the national level, with the various epidemiological, care (in the various settings) and regulatory references, especially in light of the famous implementing decrees of the 2017 DPCM that will make enforceable, finally, the dictates contained in the annexes to the Decree itself, first and foremost the new tariff nomenclature that will definitively make enforceable the provision by the NHS of garments to patients with primary, secondary or syndromic lymphedema and patients with post-flebotic edema. Bellisi then outlined the various care activities carried out in his dedicated center, which also reserves two beds for patients with lymphedema.

The following days featured experts, also from outside the region, who illustrated the various possibilities of therapeutic approaches to Lymphedema, both from a physical rehabilitative and surgical point of view, as well as pharmacological, and with regenerative therapy by means of tissue implants of appropriately treated autologous mononuclear cells (a method specifically devised by Mario Bellisi and whose study is still ‘in progress’).

Also discussed were venous surgical therapy (with the various techniques appropriately compared with each other, in relation, above all, to the results in the long term following treatment), the treatment of thrombophlebitic and phlebothrombotic disease, and the diabetic foot.
For the writer, it was another exhilarating experience having witnessed the enthusiasm that a solid group of colleagues and health care professionals referring to them is lavishing on taking care of patients with lymphedema who, at last, are beginning to see landmarks come to light in the area who, with humility and commitment, welcome them and treat them in a perspective of continuous updating, with dedication and availability.
For the writer, it was another exhilarating experience having witnessed the enthusiasm that a solid group of colleagues and health care professionals referring to them is lavishing on taking care of patients with lymphedema who, at last, are beginning to see landmarks come to light in the area who, with humility and commitment, welcome them and treat them in a perspective of continuous updating, with dedication and availability.

We met in Alba at the end of June to experience together the days of ITALF in its 7th National Congress, this year organized by colleague Giancarlo Rando.
Dr. Sandro Michelini
Palermo Maggio 2023