Advanced Training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Integrated Rehabilitation of Phlebolymphatic Edema



1st module: 21-22-23 January 2022
2nd module: 25-26-27 February 2022
Best Western Premier Villa Fabiano Palace Hotel Via C. Colombo, 70 – Rende (CS)


1st module: March 25-26-27, 2022
2nd module: April 22-23-24, 2022
Don Guglielmo Hotel Strada Comunale Rione S. Vito, 15 – 86100 Campobasso

Edema has always been a clinical sign common to many pathologies, whose etiology is different in each case and whose consequent therapeutic approach must be correctly set to achieve the best results. Even today there are still doubts and uncertainties, even on the part of some specialists, about the clinical recognition of some pathologies that are too frequently misdiagnosed and wrongly treated as lymphedema.
Obviously, when the cause is related to an insufficiency of the venous and/or lymphatic system, there is a diagnostic and therapeutic pathway in which physicians and physiotherapists are directly involved in the management of each clinical case. This commitment must be supported by an adequate theoretical and practical background that is able to customize the physical rehabilitation treatment in all its components and with the indications and contraindications that they involve.
The course is directed by Prof. Sandro Michelini, national president of Italf (Italian Lymphoedema Framework) and past president of the European Society of Lymphoedema, one of the leading international experts in vascular rehabilitation, who will provide students with all the necessary information to be able to establish the best therapeutic approach in each clinical setting based on the principles of Evidence Based Medicine and the updated guidelines of the major national and international scientific societies operating in the field.
In the practical part, lymphatic drainage techniques will be taught, which, although inspired by the Leduc method, will be deeply revised and integrated into a complex context of physical decongestive treatment. The main feature of the course is in fact the completeness of the therapeutic approach, which takes into account all the disabling aspects of patients with primary and/or secondary lymphedema, which must be treated in a holistic manner.


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